Studio Caporale Carbone Giuffrè and associates offers complete legal assistance through professionals, identified on the basis of the specific skills needed to meet customer requests. The strengths of the Firm are the reliability in terms of the timing of execution of the tasks received, the continuous presence at the institutions and companies and the strong specialization in well-identified thematic areas.

The Firm pursues, as a primary objective, customer satisfaction, aiming to guarantee a quality level and a high standard of all the services provided. To this end, the Studio has implemented a Quality Management System in reference to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard and has established the following objectives:

1. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: to achieve and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction, through the prior analysis of the needs and expectations of the latter, compliance with the requirements identified in the Management System adopted, timeliness, reliability and constancy in communication about the development and management of the individual tasks received.
2. REACHING EXCELLENCE LEVELS: carry out the professional activity with a view to continuous and constant improvement, in order to establish a solid point of reference in terms of ability, competence and knowledge, both for Italian and foreign business realities and for public bodies;
3. RESEARCH OF NEW MARKETS: analyze the needs of the reference market, in order to design new legal assistance services and offer consultancy services with an ever higher level of specialization, able to meet the different needs and market demands.
4. ATTENTION TO THE COMPETENCE AND VALORIZATION OF THE PROFESSIONALITY OF RESOURCES: systematically monitor the professional level of its internal resources, encouraging their growth through appropriate updating paths; consolidate the tasks entrusted to their professionals, also identified on the basis of the skills and specializations acquired.
5. PRESENCE AND ASSISTANCE TO CUSTOMERS: to ensure, where agreed with the assisted, an effective presence of their professionals to customers to allow them to co-manage, with continuity and timeliness, the profiles and organizational and operational aspects, ordinary and extraordinary.
6. RESPECT FOR TIMING: constantly monitor the distribution of the workload of professionals, in order to avoid delays in carrying out the tasks entrusted.
7. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE RULES: guarantee full and substantial compliance with the applicable legislative provisions and contractual obligations signed with third parties, also through continuous monitoring of regulatory developments.
8. ATTENTION IN RELATIONS WITH SUPPLIERS: research, evaluate and select reliable suppliers in order to build a relationship of mutual cooperation and trust.

This Policy constitutes the reference for establishing and reviewing objectives and goals of the Quality Management System of the Firm; it is communicated to the internal staff, collaborators and suppliers of the Firm.

The legal representative
      Vittorio Caporale